by John Harris | Mar 25, 2023 | news
Our work with this small environmental charity in Hackney has been developing over the past 2 – 3 years – working closely with the CEO there. There are big smiles all round at the moment as we have helped secure £90,000 in grants over the last three months – from trusts and one corporate donor. We really want to do our bit to support their work with young children through Forest Schools – and with local residents working to develop 18 Community Gardens out of derelict or neglected spaces. Many local people are themselves developing the skills needed to manage the gardens and to make them thrive through planting and growing trees, fruits and vegetables – making these spaces beautiful and useful for the community.
by John Harris | Mar 16, 2023 | news
As an associate for Moneytree Fundraising John has been working with SGCA for 4 years – mostly for funds to refurbish all of the houses for adults with severe learning disabilities. We have now raised all of the funds needed for Pendle & Weavers houses (£460,000) – with a funder known to SGCA visiting and coming up with the remaining funds needed – £91,000. Not only this, but the trustees have indicated strong support for continuing support for Stanley Grange – through Phase 8 (three smaller houses) and then to setting up a social enterprise on site. It shows the value of maintaining and developing the relationship with a funder, where possible, and how easily people fall in love with Stanley Grange when they visit. By the way, there is a programme called the Tool Box on Channel 4 all this week (13-16 March) which features the makeover of the neglected garden/allotment area there – worth a watch!
by John Harris | Mar 16, 2023 | news
John has been working on the fundraising for TDS for a while now – with great results. We’ve just heard that the application to the Garfield Weston Foundation has resulted in a grant of £30,000 for the next 12 months – for running costs. fantastic result for a marvellous organisation supporting those with dementia and their carers – as well as campaigning for better dementia related services in the Greater Manchester area.