Organisational Development

Is your organization clear on where it is heading? Are your Board and Trustees all pulling in the same direction? When did you last review your mission and strategic direction? Third Sector Consultancy has significant experience of working at senior level in the charity sector. We can work with your board of trustees and senior management to:


  • Develop or review your mission and strategic direction
  • Facilitate your board to work effectively
  • Assess changes in your marketplace and how you can best respond to them
  • Develop strategic and business plans
  • Support you in carrying out consultations with users and stakeholders
  • Carry out evaluations to assess the impact of your services

“On behalf of Home-Start Kirklees we wanted to thank you for your support and guidance over the last 6 months in helping us to develop a new strategic plan which will see us through the next 5 years.

Your expertise has been most welcome and the experience working alongside you has been very positive. The board approved the strategic plan yesterday.” 

Kerri Flanagan

Director of Home-Start Kirklees

We appreciate the ongoing support from John in building appropriate organisational systems and processes: we have needed to develop budgeting, cash flow forecasting methods as well as capturing more of our impact for the residents – all so that the Stanley Grange ‘story’ can be expressed powerfully to funders – and this has worked! Thank you! 

David Wilks

Vice Chair of Stanley Grange Community Association, a volunteer led residential community for adults with learning disabilities