We are working with the Bridge Church in Otley (Leeds). The main aims are capital ones – raise funds for a new roof and to refurbish the Manor Room, which isa the main community space in the church. Also, we are supporting them with the running costs which pay for the community and social activities of which there are many – and we’ve just heard that a grant of £20,000 has come through. The church acts as a community resource open to all and they find ways in which people can come together for mutual support and connectedness. The church accepted a leading role in the Warm – Welcome Space movement in the town and continues to support those on low incomes. Third Sector Consultancy helped the church consult with its users and the surveys by participants and volunteers show that the community groups and activities play a significant part in community life. Participants and volunteers rated the importance of the groups to the social and community life of Otley as almost 10 out of 10. In telling us what people get out of taking part a huge theme was that of connectedness, of meeting people, of not being alone. For the mums and dads at the toddlers’ groups a very important theme is that of their children’s development being enhanced and mutual support. Other significant areas identified included: the lovely food, helping those with mental health issues, support for carers of those with dementia and intergenerational contact. One person said: “This lovely church and all its groups and activities are essential for families and the community of Otley. It has been a source of comfort and sociability for generations.”