Today we heard that our extensive work over the last several months in support of a multi year grant for a West Yorkshire housing association has been successful. They have been awarded £313,000 over the next 3 years to develop and run their food and wrap around skills development project. This is all about equipping people to learn more of the skills needed to manage on a low income (budgeting, accessing benefits entitlements) , eat healthily and cheaply – as well as developing more of the confidence and esteem which make for a positive state of mental well-being. Surveys informed by TSC were used to assess the need for support with budgeting and wellbeing – as well as a strong need for support with employability, housing advice, benefits advice, volunteering opportunities and advice. This survey showed a very strong need for help with accessing furniture and white goods. All of these areas were identified as being key steps in helping people be more independent and not relying on food parcels in the future. This a huge result for Third Sector Consultancy – with special recognition for Rachel who led on this work for us – well done!